miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

English Culture Test

There is a english culture test, I give you the questions and then I give you the answers.
 1. Which of the following words also indicates England?
A. Great Britain.
B. The United Kingdom.
C. Britain.
D. Albion.
2. Who gave the name “Britannia” to these islands?
A. The Angles.
B. The Romans.
C. The Britons.
D. The English.
E. The Celts.
3. When did Britannia first feature on a coin? (Clue! It was in the reign of Charles the Second!)
A. AD 76.
B. 1066
C. 1665
D. 1707
E. 1801
4. When James the Sixth of Scotland became James the First of England, he hoped that Scots would be called Northern Britons and English people Southern Britons. True or False?
5. After Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, some English people called the Irish “West Britons”. True or false?
6. Scotland and England joined together in
A. 1745
B. 1801
C. 1707
D. 1314
7. The word “Englishness” was first used in (Clue! It was the same year as the Battle of Trafalgar!)
A. AD 76
B. 1066
C. 1805
D. 1787.
8. Before you do this question, make sure you know what the word “archipelago” means - Some historians describe the British Isles as an “Atlantic Archipelago” because
A. We are islands off the coast of Europe that have also been connected to the Americas for the past 400 years or so.
B. The English like alliteration.
C. England has a famous naval history.
D. Great Britain had a world wide Empire.
9. The first king to be known as the King of the English was
A. Aethelstan
B. Alfred
C. Canute
D. William the Conqueror
E. Arthur.
10. The word “England” comes from
A. The Angles
B. Pope Gregory seeing angels over London
C. The English Roman Catholic historian, the Venerable Bede.
D. William Blake seeing angels in trees when he wrote Jerusalem.
E. Saint Augustine.
What is the difference between the English State and the English Nation?

12. The English language grew from which of the following languages -
A. Celtic
B. French
C. Latin.
D. Greek
E. Germanic
F. Scandinavian.
13. In the Middle Ages, some English kings were more interested in being kings of France rather than kings of England - True or False?
14. Two early English writers were
A. John Wycliffe
B. Lollards.
C. William Langland.
D. Geoffrey Chaucer.
15. Geoffry of Monmouth said in the 12th century that the first Britons came here from Troy after a war with Ancient Greece - True or False?
16. His story (Q15) was believed - True or False?
17. He said (Q15) the leader who escaped here was called Brutus - and that is where the name Britons comes from - True or False?
18. Which of the following monarchs were seen as direct descendants from Brutus?
A. King Lear
B. King Arthur
C. Boudicca
D. Hercules.
19. Some English kings used Geoffry’s book to argue they had the right to take over Scotland, Ireland and Wales, so that there could be a Britain again - True or False?
20. Such a monarch was
A. Matilda
B. Edward the First.
C. William the Conqueror
D. King Arthur.
21. Wales became joined to England in the 16th century - True or False?
22. Wales was actually taken over by England rather than choosing to join - True or False?
23. The Welsh language has survived because the Bible was translated into Welsh - True or False?
24. England first became a naval power with an Empire under
A. Elizabeth the First.
B. Victoria.
C. Edward the Seventh.
D. Henry the Second.
25. The key religious factor in the rise of English nationalism was
A. Protestantism.
B. Guy Fawkes.
C. The Oxford Book of Hymns.
D. Sir Francis Drake.
26. Samuel Johnson, who wrote the first English, dictionary was prejudiced against Scots - True or False? He also said that “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel” - True or False?
27. The famous 18th century writer, Edmund Burke, called ordinary English people “the swinish multitude”. What did he mean by that?
28. When Bonnie Prince Charlie invaded England in 1745, more Scots were against him, than for him - True or False?
29. The well known and warm hearted caricature of England as John Bull was first done by a Scotsman - True or False? Also, try to find an image of John Bull – what does it signify, do you think?
30. “Rule Britannia” was written by a Scot - True or False? In the 18th century - True or False? It is the national anthem - True or False?
31. When Britain gained an Empire in the 19th century, which of the following are true?
A. People used the phrase “The White Man’s Burden”.
B. Many Scots were very involved in building the Empire.
C. Much of the Industrial Revolution took place in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
D. Many working class leaders in England came from Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
32. Key developments in the growth of English culture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were
A. The growth of upper class public schools.
B. The monarchy.
C. The teaching of English Literature in state schools.
D. Admiration for nature.
E. Admiration for the past.
F. Morris dancing and folk song.
33. What does the word “heritage” mean?
34. What does the word “tradition” mean?
35. The summer of 1940 saw Germany try to take control of the skies of southern England in “The Battle of England”. True or False?
36. What do the initials BBC stand for? What did BR stand for? BA? BL? BOAC? BT?
37. What is the significance of the first name in all of the above?
38. What % of the total population is made up by minority ethnic groups -
A. 7%.
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 4%
E. 28%?
39. Find out what the word “devolution” means.
40. Which of the following has their own national parliament or assembly?
A. N. Ireland.
B. Wales.
C. England.
D. Scotland.
E. Britain.
41. With which parts of the UK do you associate the following foods?
A. Porridge.
B. Lava bread.
C. Fish and chips.
D. Soda bread.
42. Cornish people spoke their own language until the 18th century - True or False?
43. List as many reasons as you can as to why there are so many different accents and dialects in England.
44. “Television is destroying English accents and dialects. Soon everyone will sound like East Enders.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain your reasoning.
45. What nationality is Tony Blair besides British?
46. What nationality is Gordon Brown, besides British?
47. Do you think devolution strengthens or weakens the UK? Explain your reasoning.
48. It was once said that Britain lost its Empire in the 1950’s and 1960’s but hadn’t yet found a role in the world. Where do you think Britain’s future should be?
A. In Europe.
B. Separate from Europe and alone.
C. Allied to the USA.
D. Separate from the USA and alone.
E. In a close arrangement with the British Commonwealth.
F. As a bridge between the USA and Europe.
Choose your sections and justify your choice(s).
49. Who is the Prince of Wales? Why is he the Prince of Wales?
50. Name the 4 regional capitals within the UK.

This is all, do you think you are good at it?